Seecuring provides a complete solution that ensures the access provisioned in your Identity Management solution lines up with the access granted within your Enterprise applications.
Many Identity solutions provide fine grained entitlements provisioning so that users are provisioned to applications such as Salesforce, Netsuite and more, with not only access, but also permissions/privileges to perform activities and tasks within these applications.
But how is this reconciled? Many Identity Providers are unable to provide this level of reporting, leaving you and your team to wade through reports and reconcile the differences.
What if there is conflicting access? Segregation of Duty violations, unauthorized license use and more?
Seecuring provides solutions that ensure that effective Segregation of Duties and Access are implemented in your organization's identity workflows where identity providers cannot. This ensures that effective controls remain in place as users are provisioned to your applications and services. Included in this scope are:
* Analyzing users who are provisioned from the Identity Provider with the desired access within applications.
* User's access is monitored for Segregation of Duty violations.
* Sensitive Access - who can access Sensitive data such as Bank Account Information? Do we have developers accessing Production environments who could cause problems without change control?
* What can users do across applications that would create risk of error or fraud?
* Are we in line with zero trust/least privilege guidance?
* Can we better handle users who have 'keys to the kingdom access'?